
Dean Gotcher

Excerpts from Booklet I and Booklet II

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The so-called wise men of today may seek to control our schools, our business, and our politics, but they will some day realize they do not control eternity. With their glib "That's your opinion!" in response to "It is written and finished!" all I can say is "On the day of judgment, whose point of view will be most important, yours, mine, or God's?" I take refuge in the fact that God has only told us to put on His armor and occupy until His return, to trust and obey in His Word, and not to seek our own cosmic-bound unity-salvation, which seems to be so prevalent not only in the world but even in the Church today. (Preface)

There is a major move to change the way Americans think. Some call it "the reculturing of America," others call it "reinventing government," and still others refer to it as "being competitive in a global economy." This scheme that socio-psychologists have designed for American education, business, and politics consists of the three phases: 1) "social-class" consciousness; 2) sustainable "social mobility;" and 3) perpetual "equality of opportunity." The reason behind the quest of these socio-psychologists is simply the resentment of having anyone in authority tell them what they must do. It is rebellion against authority. It is rebellion against God—Intellectualized. (Pg. 1) 

This attitude goes back beyond the garden experience of Adam and Eve and, as you will see, "justifies" itself according to a particular "scientific" way of thinking. This work is about this New Age way of thinking, the dialectic, and its environment of deceit and manipulation, called praxis. This way of thinking is currently being used in education, business, and politics around the world. The answer to the world's problems, according to those who worship this process, is not found in maturity, but is instead found in adolescence—not found in what "is," nor found in what "ought to be," but is instead found in the combination of the two: "potential." (Pg. 1)

This "new" way of thinking is taking control of America, as well as the rest of the world, through its use in education, business, politics, and religion. Whether promoted by organizations such as the NEA, the local Chamber of Commerce, the United Nations, United Nations Education, Science, and Culture Organization (UNESCO), or through grant programs such as Goals 2000 and School To Work this process is having a direct effect upon all our lives. Researchers across America are now warning us about the danger of these programs. This paper is about the process behind these programs. If you ask "What is it?" "What will it do to me?" or "What can I do about it?" these next pages are for you. (Pg. 1)

This combined process of dialectic and praxis is a highly speculative way of behaving, thinking, and acting. It depends on an attitude of compromise by all participants on a general social issue producing tolerance toward ambiguity. It seeks a collaborative effort in overcoming differences in an effort to find agreement on personal-social relationship needs (group consensus). It regards the resolution of personal-social relationship needs through the use of human-reasoning skills, or HOTS, as most important. It helps in determining what is the "best" or "most rational" solution to personal-social relationship needs. This does not mean that the solution agreed upon should be "fact" or "truth" (absolute), only that it is acceptable to all as a possible solution that could or should be tried relative feelings toward ambiguous facts. (Pg. 5)

Without realizing it, parents, community and state leaders, and even ministers have been losing their Constitutional, inalienable, self evident rights. Because of the mind games socio-psychologists have been using on elected officials in all level of government, our laws are being changed without our full understanding of what those changes really mean. All across America, contracts are being signed that have not been clearly defined. The big print, what one wants out of the deal (affective), can often overshadow the small print, what one gives up in the deal (cognitive) when one signs a contract without thinking it through. Many laws are being passed in haste, with leaders under pressure to "expedite" crisis management (potential disasters), engineered by transformationalist. (Pg. 22) 


Diaprax survives today because of its ability to stay hidden behind the activities of the moment. The facilitator controls the agenda—environment—and thereby controls the direction all questions will be taking. The facilitator's ability to control group feelings gives him the ability to shape the definition each person in the group gives for his or her position. What is lost in the whole scheme of things is that someone is always influencing the definitions we give for our position and that apart from God and His Word, all positions are subject to change. There is only a skewing of positions, shaped by our desire to gain or retain relationship with others. (Pg. 27)

Those who succumb to diaprax end up worshiping their ability to reason their way out of personal accountability because, in their mind, they can "rationally" blame anyone in an authority position for any or all of their personal troubles and failures. They worship equality of opportunity because, in the mind, they feel they can be anybody (God) when they really cannot (virtual reality). They worship social class because, in the mind, they can justify their accusation of anyone (God) who gets in their way as being an oppressor. And they worship social mobility because, in the mind, they believe that they are the way, the truth, and the life (God). They worship their own wisdom, their Gnostic matriarch Sophia, their mother earth, because in their minds, they believe that America and the rest of the world might turn to the authority of God and His Word for the answers to life, if they do not do something about it first. This reasoning is diaprax; this is the spirit of Antichrist. (Pg. 37)

If you reject God as the "First Cause" or the purpose for your life, you are doomed to the life of diaprax. You have based the cause for your existence upon your own wisdom and are bound to the cosmos and its impending judgment. You are worshiping the created rather than the Creator and are bound to Life-Long Learning without any hope of coming to a true understanding of what life is really all about. (Pg. 46)


The process is not successful until no one can escape.

Hegel knew a social crisis was necessary before the process could shift people's paradigm from "this is the way we have always done it," to "what does the village or group think." He believed that "A real state and a real government only develop when there is a difference of classes, when riches and poverty become very large and a situation arises where a great number of people can no longer satisfy its needs in the accustomed way." This statement, and others like it, is where Karl Marx obtained his "justification" for communism. The famous Italian Marxist, Antonio Gramsci, realized the importance of crisis if there is to be a paradigm shift or a change in the way people think. He stated "The eclipse of a way of thinking cannot take place without a crisis." (Antonio Gramsci, Selections from the Prison Notebooks, p. 242) (Pg. 7)

The dialectic is man thinking through his feelings. This is the reason God flooded the world and will judge the world again. "And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." (Luke 17:26) Paul had it correct when he said "Let God be true, but every man a liar." (Romans 3:4) The dialectic paradigm rejects the word of God as the final authority. It turns to fables and the opinions of men. You do not dialogue truth, you teach truth, you dialogue compromise. (Pg. 10)

The key to dialectic thinking is the right to question, mock, and ridicule the traditional, didactic, patriarch authority paradigm. The facilitator's agenda is to create and sustain such an environment. The very right to question the role of traditional authority has an effect on all participating in such surroundings. All but the strongest in faith are drawn by "the feeling of group belongingness" to trust and follow the facilitator. All who surrender to the "group feel" will harass those who question the facilitator's "authority." Persecution is being harassed for holding to a position. The experience can be quite heated. (Pg. 12)

The facilitator must gain and maintain control of the meeting to create and sustain the environment of transition (dark circled area below.) If the facilitator can not keep control of the meeting he must close it or traditional/ didactic leadership will limit or remove the transitional condition. By the use of Robert's Rules of Order and an honest chairman, the transition stage is limited or controlled and progression towards the dialectic/revolutionary paradigm is limited or prevented. (Pg. 18)

Marxists, almost 100 years ago, realized that their goal of total global supremacy could be achieved by incorporating the methods Sigmund Freud used on his victims. Rejected by the Communist International, these Transformational Marxists came from Frankfurt Germany to the United States in 1933, the year Hitler became Germany's chancellor. Through the use of role playing, devised by the Marxist, J. L. Moreno, and an understanding of group dynamics, by the Marxist Kurt Lewin, the patient was taken off the couch and is now placed in a group. (Pg. 21)

Consensus: means with sensation, with feelings, as in "we all feel good about the decision." Group feeling (mankind, human experience) now decides what is right and what is wrong. Consensus is the unanimous approval of man, the unanimous rejection of God and His Law, i.e. God's Law is rejected as the standard for personal and social behavior. (Pg. 25)

Brainwashing: Washing from the brain any information which gets in the way of consensus. What information gets in the way of consensus? The law of God gets in the way of consensus and must be washed from the mind before diversity/deviancy can come into unity. Deviancy then becomes the norm, the unifying behavior of mankind. When Godly restraints (law, judgment, and fear of God) are removed deviancy becomes the unifying behavior of mankind. (Pg. 25)

We all ask ourselves why we are here. I am not here for you. And I hope you are not here for me. I am here for the Lord and I hope you are also. If I am here for you, and you are here for me then we will compromise the Word of God all over the place to keep relationship with one another. Godly relationship with one another is a byproduct of our relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ of Nazareth. Unity is not in feelings. It is in Christ and His doctrine. Those who overcome the one who deceiveth the whole world, the Devil, Satan, do it not by "group think" but "by the blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." (Revelation 12:11) If you are picking and choosing where you acknowledge Him for fear of loss of human relations (what is it going to cost me,) you do not understand the Word of God. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;" (Romans 1:28) Human relations is important, God made us this way. But if we let our desire for human approval rule our lives we can not please the Lord. We are to state the truth and do it in love. We can not compromise the truth and call it love. We can not, as a Christian, praxis the dialectic, for it is our "old man." Those who do so, who occupy positions of influence in the Church, are nothing more than "wolves in sheep skins." We need to know what we are, but also what we are not. Didactic thinking is not holy but it is the only structure God communicates to. God cannot speak into the pre-flood, tower of babble, Sodom and Gomorra, dialectic mind, even though it might quote scripture. You either fear God, or fear man, you can not fear both. "Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD." (Jeremiah 17:5)

"For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water." (Jeremiah 2:13) (Pg. 28) 

© Institution for Authority Research Dean Gotcher 2005-2015